Waste nothing, I tell my son. We draw pictures on the back sides of flyers from school. We eat our roast chicken for supper then boil the bones for tomorrow’s soup. It’s all about appreciating the blessings we have without living a numbness to how good we have it. Take care of all things entrusted to you, and by the way, open up that napkin, the inside’s still good.

Demode is a genius material developed by Bernardita Marambio of Pecas Design Studio, comprised of left over scraps from textile factories of Santiago, Chile. In Santiago a jaw-dropping 46 thousand tons of waste is a result of these factories alone. A mix of plastics and natural materials are pressed together with a 100% biodegradable adhesive, making for a strong product that has been used in wall tiles and furniture pieces. They are a standard setter company, challenging the globe to waste not, striving toward environmental care certification. We are inspired by their efforts, looking forward to their success with this wonderful new product in all its possibilities.

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I find a way to fearlessly provoke your senses and take you by the heart to whatever it is I’m writing about. My sweet spot is creative writing, but for the last 20 years I have been providing freelance content for publications on sustainability and green practices, design, architecture, fashion, and non-profit charity. Recently all wrapped up in producing my first book. I have bounced from NYC to Indianapolis, but my true home is a lovely small town in Central Pennsylvania where there’s a legit drive-your-tractor-to-school-day.

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