Somewhat akin to the irregular folds of cupcake liners in their tins and coffee filters in their funnels, the unique interplanar angles in Segment Shade lend it a “je ne sais quoi” elegance. The chance arrangement of segments composing the shade actually represent the negatives of eleven wedge blocks, which are grouped and then used to slip-cast the shade as a ceramic piece. Philip Cuttance, the shade’s designer, combines the thin, fragility of the shade with the inherent strength and solidness found in ceramic’s material properties. Not only are the shades unique, but every segment proudly displays the singular grain of its original wooden wedges.

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Kimberly is a graduate from MIT's Department of Architecture, and has recently joined the publication team at MIT OpenCourseWare. While architecture remains her first love, her interests encompass literature – epic poetry and Medieval romances are her favorite – and also fashion.

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