Photographer Toby Smith recently traveled to “Vietnam, China, and beyond,” exploring the world of mass production alongside the nomadic design studio Unknown Fields Division. Their venture took them to places such as Yiwu, China, home to the largest manufacturer of Santa hats for the Western market. As a fun prelude to their documentary release, Smith and UFD leaked this “satirical XMas card” which shows the summer production of winter holiday items in what the creators describe as “More of a jab at Western Consumption than Chinese production.” See the short video for yourself on Youtube.

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Holly is a poet from Kentucky. She grew up first in a Sears house, then on a farm. She studied English and Gender Studies at Mount Holyoke College and moved to Manhattan for love. As an occasional jewelry-maker and museum patron, Holly favors wearable and functional design but is eager to see work that challenges her aesthetics. Read more and connect by visiting her blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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