Cargo Architecture

Québec City, Canada

Started as a small office by Charles-Bernard Gagnon in 2006 under the name Charles-Bernard Gagnon Building Workshop, the firm moved to Québec City in 2008 to better focus on current projects located in the region under the new name, CGBWstudio. The philosophy of the company and its commitment to offer a professional service at all stages of the process makes it stand out in the competitive market in Québec City as well as build a profile of innovative residential and commercial projects. In 2013, the team opted for a name that more represents who we are: CARGO architecture.
CARGO Architecture is a strong image and beautiful analogy that reflects how our practice is a transport of knowledge. It is about the movement of ideas in one common, innovative direction. The modern ship is also a powerful symbol; it is a system in which every detail counts, in which every piece works in unison together. The concept of CARGO also pays respect to timing, a determining factor contributing to the success of a project. We believe that these themes skillfully convey our perfectionism and our hearts to the work.




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Scandinavian Architecture In Canadian Forest

ream homes are often brought into existence by modifying existing structures and tran…

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The Luminous Presence of the Artful Vestige Lamp

Verdant House

Casa Verde Gago

Greenhouse Memory

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