In this beautiful video by Ben Sturgulewski of Sturgefilm, Argentine skier Santiago Guzman explores Patagonia with his dog Conga. They stay at a stone cabin in Refugio Frey, a rustic resort that is 5,600 feet above sea level. The shelter is sparsely furnished but welcoming thanks to the DPS skis and Chaz the cat, in whose memory the touching video is dedicated. Setting out from this home base, Guzman and Conga go on once-in-a-lifetime adventures with man zigzagging down pristine powder slopes and dog leaping along behind. The short film showcases the breathtaking scenery and closeups of Guzman and his beloved pets. See the video for yourself on Vimeo.

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Holly is a poet from Kentucky. She grew up first in a Sears house, then on a farm. She studied English and Gender Studies at Mount Holyoke College and moved to Manhattan for love. As an occasional jewelry-maker and museum patron, Holly favors wearable and functional design but is eager to see work that challenges her aesthetics. Read more and connect by visiting her blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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