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Interactive Advertisement Billboards by IBM + Ogilvy

Life is tough and rough in the city; take, for example, the image in Fitzgerald’s Gat…

Leap Films x Untitled Motorc...

This 90 second film, Untitled, directed by Darren Statman takes us to the streets of …

“Bike like a New Yorker”...

TV commercials are so last decade! Instead of watching a four-wheel drive navigating …

Inside the Music, Print Camp...

While music is oftentimes a purely auditory experience, the eyes and the ears share i…

Fruit Figures Ad Campaign by...

A great print campaign by the German agency Scholz & Friends for fresh organic su…

Imagine – Lego Ads by ...

The days of racing to the front of a blaring TV screen filled with comical cartoons e…

Advertising Photography by D...

Having worked in the advertising world as an art director for 5 years, Davide Bello…

Staff Picks

Unfolding Spaces: The Revolutionary IWI Folding Pod

New House with Old Mill

Introducing Vaarnii

Åstrup Have

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