A creative blend of digital technology and vintage-style split-flap boards.

Taking inspiration from the traditional split-flap displays which still show information to passengers in some European train stations, the new Vestaboard incorporates modern tech in a vintage-style design. The ingenious product features a mechanical grid with 62 alphanumeric characters as well as 8 art and pattern characters. Connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi, the device display messages, updates, or colors, allowing the user to create a custom board and change it easily with the dedicated app and an iOS or Android smartphone.

The 37×21-inch board can show up to 161 character at a time, whether it’s a work schedule or a tweet. Vestaboard connects to hundreds of services to provide automated updates, from Twitter to Google Calendar or TeamSnap. It also works with Alexa and Google Home, so the user can change the display with a simple voice command. Practical and convenient, the board suits home and office environments, coffee shops and yes, even lounge or waiting areas. The product is currently available to preorder on the brand’s website. The CES 2018 Edition has a price of $1,185, 45% cheaper than the future retail price of $3,495. Photographs© Vestaboard.

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