This 1720s house can be found in Gamla Stan, a medieval section of Stockholm, Sweden. The highly protected site was allowed to be renovated by Studiomama with several restrictions to protect the historic detailing. The architects peeled away unauthentic layers, exposing the original framework and simplifying the overall design of the interior. This more blank, traditional palette gave them the creative freedom to transform the space into two contemporary apartments while retaining the structure of the older building. Minimalist in white and natural wood, the renovations include Douglas fir wooden floors, whitewashed rafters, and a wall of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. These elements, paired with the skylights, the polished gray bathroom, and overall smoothness of the design, give the home a certain lightness that makes it seem caught in time.

Photography by Gustav Kaiser

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Holly is a poet from Kentucky. She grew up first in a Sears house, then on a farm. She studied English and Gender Studies at Mount Holyoke College and moved to Manhattan for love. As an occasional jewelry-maker and museum patron, Holly favors wearable and functional design but is eager to see work that challenges her aesthetics. Read more and connect by visiting her blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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