Every photographer’s dream becomes a reality.

Good lenses usually come with a pretty hefty price tag. Keeping them safe at all times can become a bit stressful, especially while shooting outdoors. Dust, dirt, or rain on camera lens can ruin any photographer’s mood. Utah-based brand Kuvrd aims to change the concept of lens caps forever with an ingenious and extremely practical design. Created to offer optimal protection, the Kuvrd Universal Lens Cap (ULC) is waterproof as well as dirt-proof and impact-absorbent. The flexible silicone material stretches from 60mm to 150mm and ensures that it fits any lens, protecting not only the front, but also the body. Apart from protection, the product also solves another frequent issue: lost caps. Thanks to the tight fit, the Kuvrd ULC stays on until the user removes it.

The user can easily attach to ULCs at both ends of a lens for full body protection, or use a couple stacked on top of each other for even more peace of mind. As a bonus, the product comes with a lifetime warranty. The brand launched the lens through Kickstarter. Unsurprisingly, it has received an amazing response from photographers, but the numbers truly impress. The campaign has surpassed the initial goal almost 30 times over, with 28 days still remaining at the time of writing. You can become a backer until January 15, and get your hands on one ULC for $30. So you can forget about the visual image of dust or rain on camera lens forever. And to make things even more fun, the company also offers one free lens cap to backers who share the campaign on their social media. Photographs© Kuvrd.
