american houses

Welcome to our selection of American houses, a carefully curated collection that spotlights the remarkable minimalistic and contemporary architecture found across the United States. This category highlights homes that exemplify the distinctive fusion of elegant simplicity, modern design, and diverse regional influences that shape the American architectural landscape.

Dive into a world of stunning residences, from urban masterpieces to tranquil rural retreats, each reflecting the unique combination of innovation and functionality that defines American design. The projects showcased on this page pay tribute to the country’s architectural heritage while embracing forward-thinking approaches and sustainable practices.

Explore the creations of esteemed architects and emerging talents who craft spaces that exude comfort, style, and practicality, seamlessly blending into their captivating surroundings. Join us as we journey through the inspiring realm of American minimalistic and contemporary architecture, celebrating the exceptional homes that define it.

  • Architecture

    Reimagining a 19th-Century Brooklyn Townhouse as a Humanist Canvas for Modern Living Imagine stepping into…

  • Architecture

    An 1881 three-story townhouse, gorgeously renovated, redesigned and expanded with living spaces that marry historical…

  • Architecture

    A sophisticated yet laid-back weekend home designed with eclectic interiors that open to views of…

  • Architecture

    A 1962 house in California, stunningly redesigned with an open-plan central space that spills onto…

  • Architecture

    A 19th century brick house, redesigned with warm, minimalist interiors and a sculptural staircase. Boston-based…

  • Architecture

    A contemporary boathouse that follows sustainable architecture principles. Built at the threshold between a rocky…

  • Architecture

    A redesigned apartment located in a historic department store building in Manhattan. Located on 5th…

  • Architecture

    A house transformed with re-inhabited voids and a closer connection to nature. Located at the…

  • Architecture

    A family retreat designed with three volumes that enclose a grassy courtyard. Located in the…
