Though now isn’t the season for acorns to be falling, who can resist the cute appeal of the hatted heads? Designer Maiji Puoskari offers two renditions of the concept – one standing and one hanging. Terho, the ceiling lamp, comes with many variations of hats cared from Finnish alder, and complements the white blown glass that glows translucent when lit. Tatti, the mushroom counterpart, is a fun companion that sports a similar look of head and cap. The two styles of lights, when paired together, create an earthy rendition of the outdoors and a precursor to the next fall season.


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Kimberly is a graduate from MIT's Department of Architecture, and has recently joined the publication team at MIT OpenCourseWare. While architecture remains her first love, her interests encompass literature – epic poetry and Medieval romances are her favorite – and also fashion.
